Relaxing Yoga PM
Relaxing Yoga PM
Tuesdays @ 5:30
Service Description
We often arrive at this class after a busy day at work or school, our minds are racing, and our bodies are tense. We have a million things to do! And because of that, we feel guilty for setting some me time aside for our yoga practice. For those reasons, making the time to practice yoga is so important. To stay healthy we must be able to unwind- to clear our heads. Once we unwind we can feel our tension melt away. Our huge to-do list shrinks to exactly what's most important. We can breathe again. We feel calm. Life is manageable. Stress is at the root of dis-ease and there is no escaping it. Practicing yoga doesn't stop stress from happening. It changes how you respond to it. Yoga can help you stay physically and mentally happy and healthy!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Relaxing Yoga Session is nonrefundable. It is your responsibility to attend your classes. Missed classes will not be credited. When practicing yoga you must listen to your body and do only what feels right. Holness Yoga is not responsible for any injuries.
Contact Details
21 Newcastle St, Minden, ON, Canada